*Binaural audio, turn on the volume and use headphones to enjoy the full experience*
Binaural audio, video loop 17 min.
Madrid, Spain. 2018.
Night walk. 12 hours, 37 minutes, 50 Kilometres ( 31.06 miles ).
Walking through the city of Madrid and its limits until the base of the mountains and the first sun ray.
The piece, allows you to observe, listen realistically, and have the experience of a person who decides to leave at 8 o'clock at night by the hotel door. This person still has 12 hours, 37 minutes and 50 kilometres (31.06 miles) of travel left; through the city and its outskirts to the foot of the mountains and the first sun ray. The process and purpose of this action proposes questions about our relationship with the territory. How the one that was a romantic landscape, is now inhabited, crossed and how we have built and modified our landscape. It also proposes to question the energy expenditure and transformation as well as the ideas of travel, limits and traveler - tourist.