Action, video. 7,34 min.
San Roque de Cumbaza, Perú. 2017.
Walking both ways through the new road and now only connection // San Roque de Cumbaza to Tarapoto, Peruvian Amazon.
25,97 miles. 10 hours, 48 minutes walking. The old path between these two locations in the peruvian amazon has been lost between jungle and chacras (local farms). Almost nobody walks anymore.
Escape Spaces and Research in Faith exhibition view.
Drawing, screen and mural painting.
Arts Research Collaborative. Lowell, Massachussets, U.S.A.
Mural painting detail.
San Roque is a small village in the northern cloud forest bordering the Amazonia. In order to reach the village of San Roque people must travel one hour by motorized vehicle (mostly motorcars) up the mountain range that surrounds the main city of Tarapoto. This road was unpaved one year ago, and before, people could only pass by foot or mule carrying goods. The old path that people used to walk is no longer maintained, lost to vegetation and covered up by the new road. Now it is the only connection.
In Walking a moon Jose Carlos Rivera walks the old path to Tarapoto both ways carrying basic equipment in a backpack. He records the action with a camera and surveys a map of the road by hand.