Glasgow, UK. 2019.
Various objects, video loop projection and binaural recording 13’36’’
Books included:
Nan Shepherd, The Living Mountain
Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust
Anna Tsing..., Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet
Lucy Lippard, The lure of the Local
LLynn Hill, Climbing Free
Donna Haraway, Staying with the trouble
Bruno Latour, Facing Gaia
L.F. Céline, Viaje al Fin de la Noche
T.J. Demos, Against the Anthropocene
Installation views: GSA Interim Show. The Glue Factory. Glasgow, UK. 2019.
One space for the senses and personal experiences in relation to the preserved landscape. Based on a personal on-site exploration of Nature Reserves within the Cairngorms National Park and Nan Shepherd’s book The Living Mountain. A particular vision of the environment associated with colors, feelings, sensitivity and her deep knowledge of the area. On the other hand, a more direct and activist part, where the contemporary context that refers to the landscape and its current ecologies enters.